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Conditional Tenses - Exercise 6

Directions: In the blank below each sentence, write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. You may add auxiliary verbs. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

1. If I visit you next Saturday, I (bring) the letter.

2. If it had rained, we (get) wet.

3. Mary (visit) more often if she were a better friend.

4. If Tom had read the book, he (like) the movie.

5. Your arm would become infected if the cat (scratch) you.

6. If the judge had taken more time, I (win) my case.

7. If you had made more noise, you (awaken) the baby.

8. The eggs would be rubbery if you (cook) them too long.

9. If you eat too much food tonight, you (gain) weight.

10. If he had more sense, he (stay) inside more often.


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Margaret L. Benner

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